2022 OPCSD BOE Candidates

2022 OPCSD Board of Education Candidate Q&A

To help our members and the community make their own informed decisions, our members and district residents were asked to submit questions they would like answered. Below are six questions that rose to the top. There are two questions about candidate backgrounds/motivation, two questions about governance and two questions about education programming. These same six questions were sent to all five candidates to give each the opportunity to respond. Below are their unedited responses.

(PLEASE NOTE: Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501(c)(3) organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office. Therefore, OPSEPTSA cannot endorse any BOE candidates.)




 Is there a particular issue that motivates you to serve on the board of education?
(No response provided)

What differentiates you from the other candidates and/or board members?
(No response provided)

What attributes and behaviors are essential for school board members?
(No response provided)

What do you see as the primary work of the board of education?
(No response provided)

What is your view of an inclusive special education program?
(No response provided)

 What are your thoughts on the school district’s programs for special education students, English Language Learners (ELL), and gifted students?
(No response provided)




Is there a particular issue that motivates you to serve on the board of education?
I have attended OP board meetings on and off for 8 years.  Public comments rarely, I mainly just wanted to be informed.  I am a learner by nature.  I became motivated to run for several reasons.  In short: transparency, accessibility, and communication.  Parents do not like being ignored.  The only response I typically receive from emails and public comments is from the Superintendent.  He has been very helpful and I think I’ve had many conversations with him.  I grew frustrated over the last year on the Board Trustees not making themselves available.  NYS Open Meetings Law is clear that Board members can/should be accessible as long as they are clear they represent personal opinion and not the Board as a whole, as the President is the Spokesperson.  In the past, I never had a problem speaking to them after meetings and therefore didn’t feel as much of a need for public comments.  Another reason for my campaign is that it is clear to any who attend the meetings that this Board lacks diversity of any kind.  Diversity of thought, opinion, and background is essential for informed decision making.  I don’t observe them representing ALL education stakeholders.

What differentiates you from the other candidates and/or board members?

  • I served for 7 years on the Board of Directors of a non-profit called Boys on the Right Track.  Six as an officer (3 VP then 3 as President).  I have oversight experience in that and in the private sector.
  • I purposely ran independently.  I did not want any appearance of favoritism or partiality.  I am focused on representing ALL education stakeholders and am thereby not funded by any special interest group.  I believe that can create conflicts of interest.  Only parents, friends, and concerned residents have contributed to the campaign, no groups.
  • I have been a more active participant and observer at board meetings than any other candidate.  I say this objectively and not as a boast.  I have not just raised concerns, but offered ideas.  It’s easy to complain, but I have consistently wanted to be part of the solution.  Even during the contentious times of the pandemic.  I think participation is essential to the learning process.  Speaking of learning, I’ll reiterate that I’ve had many conversations with the Superintendent and two of the Assistant Superintendents.  Not only them, but Buildings & Grounds, as well as teachers.  For me, the learning has been a years-long process to become educated and qualified to speak to the many issues a school board faces.  My father was a school board member in Chautauqua County for 14 consecutive years, including 9 as President and several as VP.  I am well aware of the situation I am placing myself in.
  • Consensus building.  Back in September, a group of people shut down the meeting.  The Board could have handled it better following the rules of decorum.  I typically sit close to the mic and on my own.  I worked to bring the two sides together by working with the Clerk and the local Activist.  It was agreed to wear masks in order to have public comments.  Chris Graham of the Bee wrote about my role in it as has the Buffalo News recently.  I think this is an important distinction.  I firmly believe that we should all be focused on the students and district.  To that end I was publicly in favor of masks in order to comment and conduct business even though at the start of the school year I was personally “mask choice”.  This ability to work together for the betterment of students regardless of personal opinions is necessary to work with the members of the school board.

What attributes and behaviors are essential for school board members?

  • All attributes end with a focus on doing what is right for students.
  • Accessibility:  Be available to the public in addition to the District.  How else can a Trustee be properly informed.  There shouldn’t be a “bubble” and getting feedback from parents, taxpayers, and the community is crucial.
  • Objectivity, impartiality, consensus building, and listening to all stakeholders are each also vital.
  • Following the rules of decorum as well.  That’s why I only stand at meetings rather than clap in support of public commenters like others (My exception has been for students.  I think they should be encouraged to publicly comment and participate).  It is a reason I publicly didn’t approve of shutting down meetings last Fall.  That took away the public voice.
  • Learner:  I have spent many years learning about the District and the issues, and a Trustee must have a desire to learn.

What do you see as the primary work of the board of education?
The role of a Trustee is budgeting, hiring/evaluating/terminating a superintendent, and policy. Policy is a more involved aspect, but there are many committees to be a part of.

What is your view of an inclusive special education program?
Making sure ALL of the students, families, and educators are supported.

  1. Making sure ALL Special Education students are taught close to home in their own District.  This is the single, most important part of the  Capital Project.  Whatever happens May 17th, that should be a continued focus.  I say that because it is the RIGHT thing to do and have made many public statements to that effect.  Savings on tuition and transportation are icing on the cake.  It is the right thing to do!
  2. Collaboration:  I have great respect for the people in OPSE.  I have personal experience with it.  With their help and collaboration I witnessed my child work from an IEP and into a 504 plan.  This couldn’t be possible without this team effort.  I can’t imagine the support and resources needed for those with more complicated needs.
  3. Support:  It can be a daunting situation for a family regardless of the level of resources needed.  The support system is imperative.

What are your thoughts on the school district’s programs for special education students, English Language Learners (ELL), and gifted students?
In my experience, the programs are professional, comprehensive, and well directed despite a lack of space and resources, etc.  Anecdotally, I have heard amazing stories on lengths gone to support students and families.  One example is the “above & beyond” steps that were taken on a field trip to make sure it was inclusive to ALL.  I have also heard of negative situations that can be rectified if we address the current needs!  I firmly believe programs are run by caring, competent, and dedicated people, and that as a Trustee I am committed to supporting them.




Is there a particular issue that motivates you to serve on the board of education?
I want to serve on the board of education to protect our district’s excellence while working together with cooperation and respect with all stakeholders to find the solutions to meet the needs of all our students, and ensure every student has the opportunity to receive the best education possible. When I originally decided to run, my primary goal was to keep the board focused on the actual vital work of the district, and to keep it from being distracted by trending political controversies that shift focus away from our students and their education and well-being. But one concern I’ve heard over and over while talking to parents in the district is that there is a desire for growth in the area of special education. It’s clear that the teachers and staff are doing a wonderful job for our students with special needs, but I’ve heard that there is a need for improvement with the resources and facilities to be able to provide our students the best environment and assistance for learning. I want to learn more about these issues from the experts: the teachers, staff, and parents, who live them every day, to be able to be an advocate on the board for the needs of our students.

What differentiates you from the other candidates and/or board members?
“Talk less, listen more” is core to who I am as a person and how I would conduct myself on the board. I don’t need to be heard unless I actually have something to say, and I want to make sure I fully understand an issue before I speak on it. My priority on the board would be to listen to the needs and concerns of all the varied members of our community, to find common ground and solutions for everyone. I am never afraid to admit when I am wrong. I never assume that I am the expert or that I know all the answers. I look to those who have dedicated their lives and professions to educating our students, and rely on their expertise and experience. I am someone who wants to learn more than lecture, and who wants to build consensus rather than win a debate. As a board member I would listen to, learn from, and advocate for all members of the Orchard Park community.

What attributes and behaviors are essential for school board members?
I believe it is essential for a school board member to be able to work effectively with the other trustees on the board. They need to be able to find common ground and build consensus. They must be willing to listen and learn from the experts and from all stakeholders. The well-being and education of our students must be their highest priority. A school board member must have the strength to do what’s right in all circumstances, no matter how difficult.

What do you see as the primary work of the board of education?
The board of education establishes goals, sets policy, and oversees the resources of the district. They hire and oversee the superintendent, who is in turn responsible for the day-to-day running of the district. The school board has broad authority granted to it by New York State’s education law, but it should be extremely careful and deliberate in how and when it exercises that authority. The board members are not necessarily educational experts, and so must rely on the expertise of the district administration and teachers. The board evaluates and hires the superintendent, develops a vision through engagement with parents, teachers, and the community, and relies on the superintendent to execute that vision.

What is your view of an inclusive special education program?
I have very little experience with special education programs. My children are young, and have not had much experience with the special education in our district beyond some block time sessions (which they loved). This is one area where my views need to be shaped by the parents, teachers, administrators, and staff who are involved with our special education programs every day. I want to listen and learn from all of them, on what makes for a successful inclusive special education program. In general, my understanding is that students learn best when they are learning with their peers, and I support any programs that give all our students the best opportunity to learn and to grow within the Orchard Park District.

What are your thoughts on the school district’s programs for special education students, English Language Learners (ELL), and gifted students?
This is another area where I want to listen and learn before I speak. With young children, I have not yet had direct experience with these programs. It is very important to me to support programs that provide the best educational and developmental opportunities for all our students. When a student needs extra support to meet their educational needs, I want our district to provide it. When a student needs additional  learning opportunities, our district should provide programming to meet their full potential. Only by addressing the infinitely varied needs of all our students as individuals can we give them the educational opportunities they deserve. I have been actively investigating bringing back gifted and talented teachers so that all students can reach their potential through enrichment activities. I want to be part of a school board that supports all our students.




Is there a particular issue that motivates you to serve on the board of education?
As a Licensed Clinical Therapist who has worked in the mental health field for over 14 years, I am very focused on addressing the mental health impacts to our children. The past covid 19 restrictions has had devastating impacts on our children both from remote learning and masking. Part of child development and learning is to see facial cues, to see lips move. Remote learning was not only difficult for children to comprehend through a computer, but it was also frustrating and depressing at times for children. Depression, suicidal ideation and anxiety significantly increased over the past 2 years, and it was a direct result from these restrictions. We must advocate and maintain in-person learning, and prevent covid restrictions from happening again.

What differentiates you from the other candidates and/or board members?
As a licensed clinical therapist, I can add valuable insight to the severe learning loss and negative impacts to mental health (MH) due to pandemic restrictions. Depression/anxiety and suicidal ideations are up at least 50%. A thorough assessment of our students’ MH should be available, and an increase in MH counselors is needed. As summer programs are added to address learning loss, my background would add great value to a panel that reviews strategy, goals, and outcomes. As a proponent of full transparency, I would advocate that results be presented to the community.

What attributes and behaviors are essential for school board members?
My running mate Steve Barlette and myself can provide diversity of thought to the board. Having diversity of thought is imperative in ensuring that the voice of all stakeholders are heard, and all concerns of our community are addressed. With my particular background, I am especially skilled in providing reflective listening and can also be respectfully assertive.

What do you see as the primary work of the board of education?
The Board’s primary role is to uphold excellence in education.

What is your view of an inclusive special education program?
I very much support inclusive special education programs, and feel that programs need to be more fully developed and expanded in our OP schools.

What are your thoughts on the school district’s programs for special education students, English Language Learners (ELL), and gifted students?
My mother was a simultaneous interpreter for the United Nations, so of course I am very biased towards learning languages and all different types of special learning so all children are included. I have personally spoken to several local speech pathologists who have acknowledged that referrals have skyrocketed over past 2 years, so it is imperative that we focus on learning loss and focus on special education/languages.




Is there a particular issue that motivates you to serve on the board of education?
I would not say that there is one particular issue that motivated me other than my strong desire to maintain and improve upon the excellent schools that we have in our district.  I want to help the board to have a collaborative relationship with parents, teachers and the administration to maintain a continued focus on serving the needs of all students.  I pledge to utilize the best evidence based policies to create an environment for kids to maximize their potential and to do so in a fiscally responsible way.

What differentiates you from the other candidates and/or board members?
It would be easy for me to say my background in law enforcement, but I think it is actually my ability to work with others as a team to analyze information and come up with a plan of action.  I served on a task force for about 12 years where I worked hand in hand with fraud investigators from other federal agencies, New York State, and even private industry.  I also served as a member of the Crisis Negotiation Team for over 10 years and worked with negotiators and our SWAT team.  I enjoyed the other perspectives and abilities that each individual brought with them to work on an issue as well as the atmosphere of working together to accomplish a common goal.  I think my experience in team/group settings will serve me and the Board well, should I be fortunate enough to be elected.

What attributes and behaviors are essential for school board members?
I believe that there are several attributes that are necessary to succeed as a board member.  The ability to listen is paramount in order to understand parents’ concerns about issues facing the district.  Having humility to realize that you do not have all of the answers, knowing your own limitations, and having a willingness to explore issues and obtain expert guidance when needed. Also, having the ability to work as part of a team and knowing when to compromise for the greater good.

What do you see as the primary work of the board of education?
I think that the primary work of the board of education is to work with the parents, teachers and administration to provide all students with the resources that they need to get the best education possible.  I think a school board that can debate issues, but do so with respect, is key to addressing the needs of the students and the district.  I also believe that the board should stay within its mandate and not venture into areas over which it does not have authority.

What is your view of an inclusive special education program?
I am in favor of following the recommendations of educators and having special education students learn with their peers as much as feasible and possible.  I’ll admit that I have a lot to learn about the details relating to special education matters.  The data I have seen suggests that having special education in the classroom with general education students of their same age in the Orchard Park School District is best for the student’s emotional and social interactions.  This also ensures that families feel they are a part of the OP school community.  Working in small groups with general education students can also improve communication and critical thinking skills.  Another benefit to the students is that the students in the general education program get to interact with special education students.  This is important, especially at a young age, so kids do not focus on differences and just see each other as one of the kids in their class.  I think learning together will help kids focus more on their similarities than on their differences and help them be more accepting and understanding of diversity in student population.

What are your thoughts on the school district’s programs for special education students, English Language Learners (ELL), and gifted students?
I honestly need to learn more about these programs, beyond the information that is available on the district’s website, in order to provide an informed opinion.  I would support the policies that are proven to provide the best outcomes for the students, but I would need to gain more insight into the strengths and weaknesses of these programs before I could truly evaluate them. I look forward to speaking with the administration and with parents to better educate myself on these programs.



